понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

cellular phone sharp

I have a bunch of jeans I donapos;t wear anymore. They are from my trendy times when I bought expensive clothing. So I have a handful of jeans I want to get rid of. I was going to throw them out but than I looked them up on ebay and realized I could sell them for 30-50$ each. I paid a good 70-100 on each pair but the money would be awesome right now. I have a bunch of other clothes Iapos;ve been wanting to get rid of. I may try this ebay thing out. Iapos;ve bought but never sold. I donapos;t really know how. My daddy does all the time. I will ask him how. It would be a good chunk of change I think. I have A LOT of tommy, abercrombie, burberry and such polos I hardly wear. I may be able to get money from them.

Today was so-so. I gathered up my bed dressings and all my towels and dirty clothes and was off to the parentapos;s house. I ate food there. Mostly laid on the couch and watched the Desperate Housewives episode I missed last night and enjoyed having dish tv. My 10 channels suck. It was funny. I turned on a show and my mom was like "oh is this that paris hilton show?" I just asked "paris hilton has a show?" my mom was like uh yeah Every show I would turn on she would say "this is a rerun" My mom knows more about tv than me. Yikes. I was there tilapos; 8. I was hoping to get a lot of laundry done. I got our two comforters washed. Which I had to do seperatly. A few towels and a big load of clothes. The clothes werenapos;t dry by the time I had to leave so I had to dry them here. One load at my momapos;s house I had to split into 4 for my tiny dryer.

It was so odd driving home. I live in the city area. Mom lives in rural. I havenapos;t seen true darkness in months. I drove home in pitch black. It was eerie and strange. And it was rainy and miserable out. I met Charlie on lunch. We went to McDonalds. Than I came home and did more of my accounting packet. Bluerh. My accounting teacher is a dumbass. Really she is. The class is constantly correcting her. I even corrected her once and I donapos;t do jack shit in that class. The packet she gave us is so fucked up. So Iapos;m confused. Not only by the content but by how much she fucked it up. So Iapos;m kind of at a standstill. Iapos;ve been pushing to be productive. I have been cleaning like crazy. It never ends. Seriously.

Mom and I were watching Clean House and doing our nails earlier. I was watching the people on the show bitch about not wanting to give up their useless shit. I was commenting on how stupid they were. Mom reminded me that I am so not sentimental, and itapos;s true. I will throw anything away. I donapos;t put sentiment in objects. I have a box on a shelf full of little notes from exes and stuff like that but I donapos;t keep anything else. I just cleaned out my closet and threw away a bunch. When I used to live with my parents my mom would check my garbage bags and get out all the things that shouldnapos;t be thrown away. I hate holding on to stupid shit. Charlie likes to. I got through his things and he has stupid clothes and sweaters and I start to throw them away and know I have to respect his shit even though it takes up too much room. At least 80 of this apartment is my stuff anyways. I finally gave him a little closet space. I am so out of hangers. I donapos;t know why I havenapos;t bought more yet.

I gave Bella a bath. That was a fucking catastrophe. She bit onto my arm and clung on with everything in her. It hurt so fucking bad. I screamed. But i wasnapos;t mean to her because she was scared. The fleas are almost all gone. And sheapos;s soft. I put my arm up to her face where she bit me later on to tell her to apologize to me and she just bit me again. Bitch. I have the type of relationship with my pets that I will talk to them and scold them like children. Oh, sad I was at mom and dads and mom had me hold my old cat Hazel and he like didnapos;t recognize me. It broke my heart. He wanted to run away from me. He is so big. I want him to live with us but he spends half his day outside and would hate being cooped up here. I miss him a lot. I feel terrible.

I went to get Fable at 1130 pm. I had to wait til midnight. It sucked. The people in there were....unique. I didnapos;t like them. So I waited in my car a bit than came back closer to midnight. Than some cute boys were in there. We stood in line and I got his copy of Fable 2. Heapos;s playing it now. He walked in the door and started and wonapos;t stop soon. Itapos;s 3am too. If I was in the bedroom screaming bloody murder he would make sure he saved Fable first and than come. If he even came at all. I try to talk to him and all I get is a nod. Iapos;m honestly getting pretty annoyed with this video game shit. I mean, I play them too periodically but I want to be with Charlie I guess itapos;s better than him out drinking. The thing that really sucks is we only have one television. I want to get another one. We have our eye on a 42 inch one for 12 hundred. We may get that soon. Put our 32 inch one we have now in the room. That would be nice. I just want to get cable. I miss Style network.

Fable acutally looks kind of cool though.

I have my job thing at 2 tomorrow. I need to get my nose ring out. I need wire cutters. It will hurt so fucking bad because the edges will become jagged when you cut them and I will have to pull it through my nose. I canapos;t do it before the job thing tomorrow, I hope itapos;s not a deterrent. I will tell him I will put a stud in.I hope I can have the stud. Iapos;m sure Iapos;ll have to take out the monroe. Iapos;ve had it long enough I can leave it out. Eh, Iapos;ll likely put a retainer in, as stupid as it looks. The hole is SO huge now though because I had it pierced before and let it close and than pierced again so it went through scar tissue. It will scar badly when I take it out again.

I have to go clean some more. I donapos;t think Iapos;ll be going to bed before 4am. I actually have to set an alarm to get up and make it to the restaurant before 2pm. I like this lifestyle. Iapos;d rather be up all night. Itapos;s peaceful.

My hair is getting long. Itapos;s past my clavicles now. I need to get it trimmed though. I havenapos;t had a cut in almost 9 months. I want to grow it very long. Itapos;s getting very agitating though.

This was a terribly long entry.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

deep laundry sinks

So how is everyone going to celebrate Samhain? Are you celebrating as part of a coven or solitary this year? A friend of mine is doing a Day of the Dead theme in her coven, so it got me wondering what everyone else plans on doing for their Samhain celebrations. My coven is doing a small ritual, and part of it will be writing some things down on small pieces of paper that we would like to be rid of in the coming year to be burned in our ritual fire.

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dual in line dsl filter

My semestral break has been made out of pure win and love, so far. Today, I had breakfast with Jean Kaye at Katip, bought art materials for Gabbie and Briannaapos;s play date tomorrow, and headed to Bulacan with my sisterapos;s family to visit my two favorite relatives ever, Nathan Aaron. I havenapos;t seen them in four years, and look how big theyapos;ve become

Four years ago.

Now. Nathanapos;s taler than me, I want to die, I am so old.

I am so proud of them. When they were only 4 7, I told Ate Susan (their mom) that they are growing up to be very hot kids with an unfathomable depth to their character. Seriously. Nathan, age 13, can do advanced classical pieces on the piano perfectly (I told him he had to gear up to protect him from the legion of fan girls heapos;s gonna have when he enters high school), has various academic awards in science and math, plays chess and basketball, and reads a whole lot of literature. Aaron, age 9, is a budding photographer, and one of his photos won first prize in a contest and got published in an Australian broadsheet. He represents his school on science and math contests on a regular basis, also plays chess, basketball, and the piano. Most of all, theyapos;re respectful and down-to-earth little kids. Iapos;m so glad they were raised in Canberra, and not Sydney.

I am severely bummed that they have been sick the entire time they were here, and just when they were getting better, I had to combat the force that is MA Political Economy. Towards the end of the night, my sister had to drag me out of the house because I was really being stubborn and I really didnapos;t want to leave. I love them to death.

I hope I still preserve my reputation for being a kick-ass aunt. I canapos;t wait to visit them next year.
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

de mesas sufragio

So yeah, it was a rough weekend. I sort of fell apart. It was one of those necessary evils though. I saw it coming and decided I had two options. I could try to push it all away like I had been for weeks, or I could just ride it out and try to get all this mental BS out of my life. You can probably guess I took the latter route.

It was something on the order of a total revelation. There were parts of me Iapos;d feared were nothing but kneejerk reactions to my situation. Happily, they arenapos;t. Turns out some of the things Iapos;d been feeling (from which Iapos;d been shying away) were the genuine article. Go me Iapos;m more well adjusted than I thought.

Other folks have said it better than me.

"Get busy living or get busy dying."

"Too old to fuck around and too young to die. Try a little life on for size."

"You only get so much time on this world, If you want any more than that, youapos;ve got to make it yourself."
de mesas sufragio, de mesas som, de mesas rayos x, de mesas planchar.

camp casey whidbey


I am an undergraduate taking an introductory microbiology course, and my professor assigned me a project in which I have to isolate a bacteriocin-producing organism. Iapos;ve read from several sources that bacteriocin-producing bacteria are readily found in many food products, but the papers Iapos;ve read arenapos;t very clear on how to extract the bacteria from food.

Some have mentioned making a diluent in which you put the food source (w/v 5 peptone). The dilution is then plated. Anybody think this is the way to go? Or is there a better way?

Other concerns include:

-what media should I use?
-how should I test for the presence of bacteriocin (A brief explanation of how to plate my isolated organism against a model organism would be helpful)
-what foods should I try? (Thinking yogurt now, but may change my mind later...)

Thanks in advance

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canadian government funding

I went to the store today to pick up some groceries...and in the middle of the store, i had a sudden panic attack. As in a full blown one. I havenapos;t had a full blown panic attack in over six months. I literally had to find an empty aisle until i stopped shaking and crying. It really scared me. I think it came on because of stress...who knows. Guess thatapos;s what a week full of tests/doctorapos;s appointments will do to you.

good news: a friend is coming to visit me this weekend. Sheapos;ll keep me busy and occupied...maybe iapos;ll be able to take my mind off of me and everything else. Good thing sheapos;s coming on what was supposed to be my one year with the ex...then again, she knows me so well that maybe thatapos;s why sheapos;s coming

<3. Until next time.

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database audit tool

Tapeworm (VHS) ~ Not Rated ~ Fullscreen
Rating: Thumbs up

Six young people from L.A. End in hillbilly county for a weekend of fun. Their joyful trip is interrupted by a family of cannibalistic rednecks. Them flesh eaters sell human meat to a local burger joint

*collective burp*

Campy and entertaining but undecided goremet schlocker that has all the bad and cheap cheese yet for the most part is playing it straight. Silly backwoods folk ("you gashole") and snotty teens clash in a battle of survival in the great outdoors. Much chasing, moaning, screaming, running and drooling. One retarded hillbilly is constantly lashed by his mean father, another wets his pants and one teen has the voice of a Pee-wee Herman. More stuff to expect: two decapitations, pick axe into foot (twice), pick axe into throat, throat-ripping, machete-slashing, chicken-fu, human flesh eating, overalls smeared with blood, shovel-fu and Texas Chainsaw Massacre ending rip-off. Trivia: LUNCH MEAT is the only movie besides TROLL 2 with people in a car singing "Row Your Boat."

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

find words that end in

The line from The Devil�Wears Prada has been stuck in my head since Sunday when�I came down with the flu. Definitely not hitting my goal weight anytime soon, but I did lose almost eight pounds in 36 hours. Ouch. Obviously I skipped my weigh-in today because thatapos;s not even a remotely accurate representation of my weight loss. Is it wrong that seeing lower numbers on the scale did remotivate me, though?�

Definitely cranky... And not thrilled about being back at work.

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