среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

canadian government funding

I went to the store today to pick up some groceries...and in the middle of the store, i had a sudden panic attack. As in a full blown one. I havenapos;t had a full blown panic attack in over six months. I literally had to find an empty aisle until i stopped shaking and crying. It really scared me. I think it came on because of stress...who knows. Guess thatapos;s what a week full of tests/doctorapos;s appointments will do to you.

good news: a friend is coming to visit me this weekend. Sheapos;ll keep me busy and occupied...maybe iapos;ll be able to take my mind off of me and everything else. Good thing sheapos;s coming on what was supposed to be my one year with the ex...then again, she knows me so well that maybe thatapos;s why sheapos;s coming

<3. Until next time.

death masks famous, canadian government funding, canadian government funding and grants, canadian government goods and services tax.

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