понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

cellular phone sharp

I have a bunch of jeans I donapos;t wear anymore. They are from my trendy times when I bought expensive clothing. So I have a handful of jeans I want to get rid of. I was going to throw them out but than I looked them up on ebay and realized I could sell them for 30-50$ each. I paid a good 70-100 on each pair but the money would be awesome right now. I have a bunch of other clothes Iapos;ve been wanting to get rid of. I may try this ebay thing out. Iapos;ve bought but never sold. I donapos;t really know how. My daddy does all the time. I will ask him how. It would be a good chunk of change I think. I have A LOT of tommy, abercrombie, burberry and such polos I hardly wear. I may be able to get money from them.

Today was so-so. I gathered up my bed dressings and all my towels and dirty clothes and was off to the parentapos;s house. I ate food there. Mostly laid on the couch and watched the Desperate Housewives episode I missed last night and enjoyed having dish tv. My 10 channels suck. It was funny. I turned on a show and my mom was like "oh is this that paris hilton show?" I just asked "paris hilton has a show?" my mom was like uh yeah Every show I would turn on she would say "this is a rerun" My mom knows more about tv than me. Yikes. I was there tilapos; 8. I was hoping to get a lot of laundry done. I got our two comforters washed. Which I had to do seperatly. A few towels and a big load of clothes. The clothes werenapos;t dry by the time I had to leave so I had to dry them here. One load at my momapos;s house I had to split into 4 for my tiny dryer.

It was so odd driving home. I live in the city area. Mom lives in rural. I havenapos;t seen true darkness in months. I drove home in pitch black. It was eerie and strange. And it was rainy and miserable out. I met Charlie on lunch. We went to McDonalds. Than I came home and did more of my accounting packet. Bluerh. My accounting teacher is a dumbass. Really she is. The class is constantly correcting her. I even corrected her once and I donapos;t do jack shit in that class. The packet she gave us is so fucked up. So Iapos;m confused. Not only by the content but by how much she fucked it up. So Iapos;m kind of at a standstill. Iapos;ve been pushing to be productive. I have been cleaning like crazy. It never ends. Seriously.

Mom and I were watching Clean House and doing our nails earlier. I was watching the people on the show bitch about not wanting to give up their useless shit. I was commenting on how stupid they were. Mom reminded me that I am so not sentimental, and itapos;s true. I will throw anything away. I donapos;t put sentiment in objects. I have a box on a shelf full of little notes from exes and stuff like that but I donapos;t keep anything else. I just cleaned out my closet and threw away a bunch. When I used to live with my parents my mom would check my garbage bags and get out all the things that shouldnapos;t be thrown away. I hate holding on to stupid shit. Charlie likes to. I got through his things and he has stupid clothes and sweaters and I start to throw them away and know I have to respect his shit even though it takes up too much room. At least 80 of this apartment is my stuff anyways. I finally gave him a little closet space. I am so out of hangers. I donapos;t know why I havenapos;t bought more yet.

I gave Bella a bath. That was a fucking catastrophe. She bit onto my arm and clung on with everything in her. It hurt so fucking bad. I screamed. But i wasnapos;t mean to her because she was scared. The fleas are almost all gone. And sheapos;s soft. I put my arm up to her face where she bit me later on to tell her to apologize to me and she just bit me again. Bitch. I have the type of relationship with my pets that I will talk to them and scold them like children. Oh, sad I was at mom and dads and mom had me hold my old cat Hazel and he like didnapos;t recognize me. It broke my heart. He wanted to run away from me. He is so big. I want him to live with us but he spends half his day outside and would hate being cooped up here. I miss him a lot. I feel terrible.

I went to get Fable at 1130 pm. I had to wait til midnight. It sucked. The people in there were....unique. I didnapos;t like them. So I waited in my car a bit than came back closer to midnight. Than some cute boys were in there. We stood in line and I got his copy of Fable 2. Heapos;s playing it now. He walked in the door and started and wonapos;t stop soon. Itapos;s 3am too. If I was in the bedroom screaming bloody murder he would make sure he saved Fable first and than come. If he even came at all. I try to talk to him and all I get is a nod. Iapos;m honestly getting pretty annoyed with this video game shit. I mean, I play them too periodically but I want to be with Charlie I guess itapos;s better than him out drinking. The thing that really sucks is we only have one television. I want to get another one. We have our eye on a 42 inch one for 12 hundred. We may get that soon. Put our 32 inch one we have now in the room. That would be nice. I just want to get cable. I miss Style network.

Fable acutally looks kind of cool though.

I have my job thing at 2 tomorrow. I need to get my nose ring out. I need wire cutters. It will hurt so fucking bad because the edges will become jagged when you cut them and I will have to pull it through my nose. I canapos;t do it before the job thing tomorrow, I hope itapos;s not a deterrent. I will tell him I will put a stud in.I hope I can have the stud. Iapos;m sure Iapos;ll have to take out the monroe. Iapos;ve had it long enough I can leave it out. Eh, Iapos;ll likely put a retainer in, as stupid as it looks. The hole is SO huge now though because I had it pierced before and let it close and than pierced again so it went through scar tissue. It will scar badly when I take it out again.

I have to go clean some more. I donapos;t think Iapos;ll be going to bed before 4am. I actually have to set an alarm to get up and make it to the restaurant before 2pm. I like this lifestyle. Iapos;d rather be up all night. Itapos;s peaceful.

My hair is getting long. Itapos;s past my clavicles now. I need to get it trimmed though. I havenapos;t had a cut in almost 9 months. I want to grow it very long. Itapos;s getting very agitating though.

This was a terribly long entry.
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